Sunday, October 19, 2008


Typography is "what language looks like" according to the youtube video we watched. We arrange type and modify type glyphs using art and type design techniques. Artisits working with type will look at the line length, point size, type faces, leading, and kerning in order to illustrate the type in manner they want to.

We also learned about the different parts that make up letters. Some of these parts include the baseline, ascender, the stem, and others.

Typographers aren't the only people to use typography; graphic artists and art directors do as well.

Many more opportunities and jobs working with typography have opened up since the digital age. You can see examples of advancement in typography by watching title sequences and end credits in movies. People actually want to watch these instead of fast forwarding through at home or leaving the theater promtly. I just hope that our falling economy won't have a negative effect on the growth of this field.

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