Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Family Feud --> Fast Food

The Family Feud sentence was "Name something you find on a fast food burger." I felt this was a very american question, and decided to go with it. The words are as follows:

I hope to make some sort of statement about the fast food industry in America and how it promotes obesity.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008 video

The video I watched was on Reducing Wrinkles with the Healing Brush. I've worked a little on photoshop, but not so much with editing people in pictures. I learned that by combining the opacity tool with the healing brush tool you are able to keep the photograph realistic, yet improve upon it. I also learned some new shortcuts by using the shift key. I found the video helpful and would like to watch more.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Ballot Design

It's shocking to me that such an important thing as a voting ballot could be poorly designed. We put so much effort on designing so many other things, that you would think when it came to designing a ballot that affects everyone's life, more concern would be put into it. When I went to vote on Tuesday, I was pleased to see the design of the ballot was well designed and understandable. I only hope that was the case for the ballots in other states.

Monday, October 27, 2008


I was really intrigued by the documentary on Stefan Sagmesiter. His style is unique and fresh.

Words are something that he really focuses on. He uses all different types of media in his art. He’s used objects such as furniture and food to spell out things. One of his projects even used his skin. I’m not sure if the cuts that were on his skin as words were authentic or not, but nonetheless it was an interesting concept.

Sagmesiter’s work isn’t just nice to look at; it’s thought provoking and grabs the viewer’s attention.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

My Passions and Frustrations

I have a three main passions in life; learning, creating, and comfort. I love to learn things, whether it's new art techniques, theories in psychology, or finding truth in theology. After I've learned these sorts of things, I feel it is necessary to apply them to my life. Therefore, I love expressing myself through art, being involved in psychology research, and helping out with Newman Campus Ministries. Doing these things and spending time with my family and friends in meaningful relationships gives me a sense of comfort. Not having comfort is one of the worst types of feelings to me. Other frustrations include feelings of not living a purposeful life at times, and trying to gain control over thoughts and emotions.

John Maeda Article

Although I do not know much and Graphic Artist John Maeda, he is someone I think I would look up to. While so many people look at what they "can do", John aim of focus is what we "should do".

Formerly a MIT-trained technologist, Jown worked on complex eye-appealing devices. He came to the realization that most people that own these devices don't even know how to use all the different applications they carry. Technologists don't care about informing the general population on how to use certain features or even which ones they might actually need; rather how many applications they can put onto a device. Why would they want to do this? The answer is simple; marketing and peer competition. The more features something has the better it will sell. I find this to be true when thinking back to the time I was shopping for my laptop. So much emphasis was put on all the different features you could get for the money rather than picking one that would be functional for what I needed it for.

John Maeda has realized the wrong in this and has now transferred to Rhode Island School of Design in hopes of preventing this greedy way of thinking from taking over by using the foundational principles of art and design to do it.


Typography is "what language looks like" according to the youtube video we watched. We arrange type and modify type glyphs using art and type design techniques. Artisits working with type will look at the line length, point size, type faces, leading, and kerning in order to illustrate the type in manner they want to.

We also learned about the different parts that make up letters. Some of these parts include the baseline, ascender, the stem, and others.

Typographers aren't the only people to use typography; graphic artists and art directors do as well.

Many more opportunities and jobs working with typography have opened up since the digital age. You can see examples of advancement in typography by watching title sequences and end credits in movies. People actually want to watch these instead of fast forwarding through at home or leaving the theater promtly. I just hope that our falling economy won't have a negative effect on the growth of this field.