Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Family Feud --> Fast Food

The Family Feud sentence was "Name something you find on a fast food burger." I felt this was a very american question, and decided to go with it. The words are as follows:

I hope to make some sort of statement about the fast food industry in America and how it promotes obesity.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008 video

The video I watched was on Reducing Wrinkles with the Healing Brush. I've worked a little on photoshop, but not so much with editing people in pictures. I learned that by combining the opacity tool with the healing brush tool you are able to keep the photograph realistic, yet improve upon it. I also learned some new shortcuts by using the shift key. I found the video helpful and would like to watch more.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Ballot Design

It's shocking to me that such an important thing as a voting ballot could be poorly designed. We put so much effort on designing so many other things, that you would think when it came to designing a ballot that affects everyone's life, more concern would be put into it. When I went to vote on Tuesday, I was pleased to see the design of the ballot was well designed and understandable. I only hope that was the case for the ballots in other states.